Today were discussing risk factors and statistics on abortion. Without any further ado, Let’s get into it! Podcast episode:
I have seen a huge uproar about Florida’s new restrictions on abortion. I had recently joined the twitter world to see what this Defacto public square that Elon Musk refers to, and I agree… There are tons of news articles available. I started noticing the outrage over the Florida.
Here is an NPR article outlining the post 15-week ban passed in Florida: Florida House passes ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy : NPR
Discussion amongst state congressmen indicated they wanted availability for Rape, Incest, forced sex work, medical risk for mother, and for major baby defects/death risk. Florida Republicans send 15-week abortion ban to governor : NPR
In another NPR article “Dr. Samantha Deans, an associate medical director with Planned Parenthood in Florida, says most fetal anomalies aren’t detected by 15 weeks.
“You cannot perform an amniocentesis until the second trimester and generally speaking, we don’t perform an amniocentesis until 16 to 20 weeks,” Deans says. “That’s just a medical fact.”
Under the bill, if a fetal abnormality is discovered after 15 weeks, two doctors would need to certify the baby wouldn’t survive long after birth before an abortion would be allowed.”
Florida House passes ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy : NPR
Also, states like Texas have a law that restrictions after heartbeat detected. “Florida’s new law is modeled after another in Mississippi that also bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. That law is currently being considered at the Supreme Court, where justices in the six-member conservative majority appear willing to uphold the law.”
Florida’s 15-week abortion ban is signed into law : NPR
So, a lot of push for 15 weeks. Let’s look at actual abortion statistics by weeks first.
Raw Data: Abortions By Week of Pregnancy — Mother Jones shows that most abortions occur before 15 weeks:
This is supported in current information in Planned Parenthood’s website:
Therefore, the law banning abortion after 15 weeks is not really significant. It’s banning around 4% of abortions. 92–100=8%-4%=4% at 16 weeks+ (calculated the 14 & 15 week which is 4% on the CDC chart provided in Mother Jones).
This law has very little effect as most abortions are done in the first trimester and early second trimester:
Pregnancy The Three Trimesters | UCSF Health
After the 1st trimester most procedures use D&E, they use medication to dilate the cervix, the hardest part. Then they use anesthesia. They go in with tongs and tear the baby apart piece by piece and pull back out through the small cervix. Another method, if baby is small enough is to suction it out. Abortion Methods: Dilation & Evacuation (D&E Abortion) — Springfield Right to Life (
So, after 13 weeks (first trimester) that is the most common procedure for abortion. Still, what does it matter before?
It’s just an unfeeling clump of cells I was told. Not true whatsoever,
Many don’t understand the stages of a fetus, from zygote to infant. I’ll break that down here for you.
Heart beats before 6 weeks, can grab at 7 weeks, 9 weeks its moving more, 12 weeks has tastebud and can move in womb. At 14–18 weeks “quickening” occurs, mother feels it. 18 weeks has voice. 20 weeks it can live outside the womb. 27 weeks can see and hear voices and listen to stories and lullabies.
Watch in this video:
Meet Baby Olivia | A Never Before Seen Look At Human Life In The Womb — YouTube
But does it feel? Yes at 7.5 weeks:
“key points in fetal development that are required in order for a fetus to perceive pain. One is that the receptors in the skin that sense an injury must be developed. Research has shown that this happens between 7.5 and 15 weeks of pregnancy, depending on the location of the receptors on the body, according to the review. For example, receptors in the skin around the mouth develop at around 7.5 weeks, whereas receptors in the skin on the abdomen develop at around 15 weeks, according to the review.”
Do Fetuses Feel Pain? What the Science Says | Live Science
Which seems consistent with the movements of Baby Olivia video.
So, after 20 weeks abortionists legally have to put the baby to death, so it doesn’t move or feel while being torn apart during a D&E,
“the fetus is dead before the abortion, for women 20 weeks or more pregnant. This is because the fetus is easier to dismember if it is not moving. The two medications used together for first trimester medication abortion do not technically cause fetal death.”
Abortion Methods: Dilation & Evacuation (D&E Abortion) — Springfield Right to Life (
Therefore, science and evidence indicate the infant is, in fact, a fetus that can feel by 7.5 weeks and is alive. Oddly, any woman I know who is pro-abortion and shown this will admit the baby is alive.
Yet, it’s their body, their uterus, their choice. I will mention another discussion that led to that comment after.
My personal opinion is really invalid as I am pro-life and understand there is a necessity of abortion, but you shouldn’t have to wait more than a month from discovering, usually occurs at 6 weeks.
(they brought up in debate some women have irregular periods and wouldn’t know by 8 weeks. Research says to take regular pregnancy tests every month you would have had a period if having unprotected sex.When to take pregnancy test with irregular periods — PCOS treatment in Chennai | Dr. Manu’s PCOS Clinic (
I was countered by a fun debate on this, my suggestion is 10 weeks is ideal to allow time to decide and learn what is really inside you before aborting.
If they show a woman the “Baby Olivia” video, would they choose to abort after?
That’s family planning, this is what you have. Are you sure? Ok, it’s less than the cutoff, so here you go.
I’m realistic at least abortion will still happen.
The woman who said until I have a uterus, I have no say.
I want to counter, reasons I should care outside of not having a uterus. I know more than six women that had abortions, and only one of the six mentioned doesn’t regret.
Why? I asked her. Because she felt like she never could be a proper parent. All the more reason I support birth control and condoms.
Of those six, 3 require hysterectomy’s and 5 of them developed cervix cancer, only one had HPV. That’s just 6 female friends that I had kept in touch with, these are the long-term effects I believe are associated with abortion, but let’s look at some professional’s data.
The medical risks:
There are mostly psychological (significant suicide rates over women without kids or had had their kids), Also, death rates from natural causes are higher than miscarriages and births. Cervical, ovarian, and liver cancer, uterine perforation, later years ends in Hysterectomy. Cervical lacerations: Significant damage resulting in difficult dilatation for childbirth later.
Placenta Previa presents significant risks to future children.
Abortion Side Effects | Abortion Dangers — After Abortion •
Worst Long Term Effect Of Abortion | Science Times
More data shows a lack of proper reporting on abortion related deaths. They claim there is underreporting. They have references, it has basis.
The Cover-Up: Why U.S. Abortion Mortality Statistics Are Meaningless (
Planned parenthood devalues these risks in comparison to over 20 studies by AfterAbortion. Planned Parenthood claims:
“Abortion After the First Trimester Is as Safe as/or Safer than Carrying a Pregnancy to Term • Overall, abortion has a low morbidity rate. Less than 0.3 percent of women undergoing legal abortion procedures at all gestational ages sustain a serious complication requiring hospitalization (Boonstra et al., 2006; Henshaw, 1999). The rate of complication increases 38 percent for each additional week of gestation beyond eight weeks (Paul et al., 2009)”
They are not accounting for the long-term effects that are evident, particularly in death post abortion. The Cover Up article asserts, at least to me that there is an attempt to change facts to fit an agenda. And since I had seen someone suffer to this day with the decision, I do support life/adoption.
Sorry, there is risk to your uterus, especially complications in future child births post-abortion, there’s major psychological issues, and I stress that one the most. Although not all abortions do damage, even planned parenthood states “the risk of death associated with surgical abortion increases with the length of pregnancy,” so earlier the better I say.
Yet, they believe that local communities and parents don’t have a say.
“Unfortunately, opponents of safe and legal abortion seek to limit access through, among other means, laws imposing a fixed date for viability and bans that would outlaw safe, medically appropriate abortions in the second trimester. Their goal is to make all abortions illegal. In fact, the same anti-women’s health activists who would limit access to abortion after the first trimester also oppose access to abortion in the first trimester by advancing numerous restrictions, including parental involvement laws and mandatory waiting period laws.”
So, they are opposed to local state governments that have elected officials, by constituents that they answer to, doing their job?
This one bothers me the most. Deny parents the opportunity to make a medical decision in their child's life?
Should we allow our kid’s pediatrician to insert something into your child without parental consent?
How about non-emergency lifesaving surgeries?
Let’s keep going on parental requirements for consent and other things:
Tattoos? Piercings? Choose a different school? Be picked up by a stranger in school? Most states and laws require consent, all in writing, by a parent or legal guardian.
The idea that parents don’t have an opportunity to be involved in a major medical decision with their child, they are committing a crime on a minor.
If I pierce or tattoo a minor, I go to jail.
Georgia Mom Arrested for Allowing 10-Year-Old to Get Tattoo — ABC News (
Beyond that, the Planned Parenthood pro-abortion stats tracker admits that abortion is going down outside of restrictions. Yet, feel it is “attempts to reduce abortion through coercive restrictions are a direct violation of individuals’ dignity, bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom.”The U.S. Abortion Rate Continues to Drop: Once Again, State Abortion Restrictions Are Not the Main Driver | Guttmacher Institute
I don’t see how it doesn’t violate the child’s life inside you, its dignity, bodily autonomy, and future reproductive freedoms.
Back to my debate with the polite woman.
The comment the woman made was that we didn’t have the right to protect fetuses because they are just cells. Debunked.
Has no side effects, Debunked.
I proposed that is it possible that paternal rights might become an issue in the future? How so? Prenatal DNA testing (NIPP). How early can you do a DNA test on an unborn baby? | AlphaBiolabs USA
In this case after 7 weeks a father could DNA test a child. I’m theorizing here, if you would want the mother to carry child to term, verification that you’re the father would be required. I’ve watched enough Maury Povich Show to know how that would work out for the new baby.
A consenting woman and man are in an agreement, a contract one could say, that we are engaging in a child making activity, and that is the natural risk. (I support wearing protection and birth control for prevention of this risk also suggest more advances on a pill for men to give them more control over their reproductive rights).
What is to stop a father from asking for his baby to be born and he can keep it?
It’s my body she said.
“Well, what if I want you to abort it?” It’s my body, you have no say.
But if you carry it term, then he has to pay child support if you don’t live with him, is that fair?
Her reply said all I needed to know to get out of the debate:
“Nobody truly wants an abortion. I’ll leave it at that.
And how about mandatory vasectomies for every male until they can prove they are decent, responsible, non-abusive humans that can support and help raise a baby. The criteria list would be long. Turn the tables.”
That was her argument. My statement that Father’s should have rights too is invalidated by her personal hate.
She is a staunch supporter of abortion because men are bad fathers and shouldn’t be able to have kids. This seems that we hit a roadblock.
However, she acknowledges no one wants to have one. So, there’s that.
I was supporting the idea that a child is alive at conception, it can feel by 7 weeks, and moves by 9. An abortion after fetus sensations seems cruel. Hence why I was realistic that 10 weeks gives a woman near a month to decide, assuming she got pregnant between periods.
Since the uproar is about reducing aborting a moving, tasting, feeling, seeing, vocal, and hearing infant after 15 weeks, which amounts to 4%. But that is the law they’ve decided on in Florida.
If you don’t like their state law don’t move there.
If you live there and don’t like it, reach out to your state congressmen or sue the government.
I believe that individuals need to have accountability. Our local communities are important. Above all, family have significant impact on how a woman will feel about making such decision on child rearing and no outside institution or group should take that away from the local community and family.
Planned Parenthood clearly doesn’t respect parental consent in regard to procedures, so I cannot support an institution designed to help family’s plan their futures, it seems to be missing the goal and should be focused on prevention.
Here are multiple screenshots of after abortions Q&A. I see a common theme and how supportive they are in encouraging the women to consider all factors before deciding.
Men, it seems we have to step up too, because it seems when men aren’t engaged with a woman, she may be more inclined to abort.
(Married women have significantly less abortions)
Therefore, the biggest way to avoid unwanted pregnancy resulting in abortion is with birth control & condoms. Most effective action to avoid abortions is to prevent pregnancy before marriage.
I hope you agree that this is Just Logical,
I’m your host, Mason Mieczkowski.
I am pro adoption (although they support parents keeping their kids):